More data,
less hate.

CyberWell is the world’s first live database of online antisemitism. We use cutting-edge technology to collect digital hate so it can be studied and stopped. Our platform is designed to drive the enforcement and improvement of community standards and hate speech policies across the digital space.

Explore the Data
Transparent Digital Policy
Hate Speech Solution

Antisemitism is on the rise across the world, emboldened by lax enforcement from social media and other digital platforms. Data shows that the fear and concern of social media users, especially Jewish users, are justified – more than 75% of reported antisemitic content remains online.

CyberWell evidences the reality of online Jew-hatred in real time, acting as a transparency engine designed to drive enforcement of community standards and hate speech policies across platforms. We provide clear, visualized, data on online antisemitism and policy failures across the digital space.

Democratizing the Fight Against Online Antisemitism to Effect Real Change

Fully dedicated social
media monitoring
and coverage

The only start-up non-profit dedicated with a full time staff that utilizes the latest AI technologies, big data solutions & automated processing for a complete and accurate picture of the state of online antisemitism.

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Unique cloud-based
online platform
for all

By democratizing the raw data and collecting examples onto CyberWell, we are writing the open code to fight online antisemitism. Our platform acts as an aggregator of evidence of online antisemitism to empower efforts in the social activism, research, think-tank and law-making spaces to eradicate Jew hatred by holding social media platforms to account.

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Real-time insights
give the full

Finally, a situation room that provides quantifiable statistics and qualitative evidence reflecting the scope of online antisemitism at a given moment. CyberWell’s living database will alert to antisemitic trends and campaigns across social media platforms as they happen with user-friendly interactive dashboards and feeds. We will also increase accountability for purveyors of hate by featuring a list of repeating offender accounts and updating on their online status and posting abilities. CyberWell naturally incentivizes social media platforms to do better by ranking their commitment to the fight against online antisemitism based on evidence in real-time.

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Our Vision

CyberWell envisions a world where antisemitic content is as unacceptable online as it is in the physical realm.

We believe the best way to achieve this vision is to bring the prevalence of alarming online Jew-hatred into the light. Through this digital mirror, the public can grasp the scope of this problem, as well as how to recognize and report antisemitic material.

Leveraging the most advanced and disruptive technology available in the open-source intel and big data space, we intend to air the dirty laundry of online antisemitism hosted by social media platforms until the accountability problem is solved, antisemitism and hate speech policies are enforced, community standards are improved and changes are matched by dedicated resources and tech.

Contact Us

Fill out this form with some details or email us at [email protected]

Be in touch to request a platform demo, learn about our
work, explore partnership opportunities, offer support, or
simply to encourage our efforts. We want to hear from you!